Folk (Family of lord Krishna)


This is a program conducted to educate the youth based on the teachings of Srila Prabhupada (Founder-Acharya of ISKCON) in accordance with the Vedic scriptures. The classes are highly interactive and handled by well-qualified faculties. A typical program on weekends consists of teaching how to apply Vedic wisdom to current world realities in order to solve difficult problems that youth encounter in their daily lives.
Art of Mind Control
Art of Mind Control is a 2-hour fun-filled activity-based workshop where the participants learn to harness the untapped potential of the mind by techniques of mind-control based on the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad-gita.
It will enable students to
Maintain a positive attitude
How to lead a focussed life
Improve concentration and memory
Learn practical meditation techniques
Secrets of Success
Can all human beings achieve all that they want, be it for themselves or for their near and dear ones? Is this just a dream? If it’s not just a dream, what‘s the secret of this magical word ‘success’? The Secrets of Success is sure to give you answers to all your questions and even much more.
There are Eight secret principles discussed based on the timeless wisdom of Bhagavad-gita in this workshop. Some of the topics are:

God Imagination or Reality
Building Self Confidence
Perfect Knowledge
A Law of Infallible Justice
Handling Competition
Real Yoga
Healthy Living & Food Habits
The Principles Of Freedom
Besides dealing with the presentations on such topics, the participants are also exposed to a thoroughly spiritual experience in the serene atmosphere of the temple. The participants also learn practically the meditation technique for the modern age namely ‘Mantra Meditation’ of Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra.